People are still hooked into electronic cigarettes, not only because it is a trend these days and have made countless news headlines, but because it is a great alternative to smoking. Celebrities like Katherine Heigl had started using E cigarettes long time back and had also appeared in David Letterman’s show with an e cig in her hands. She also demonstrated how to use it by smoking it inside the studio and said that she was just humidifying the space referring to the water vapor that comes out of the e cigs.

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E cigarettes are devices that are designed to simulate the shape of a cigarette, while actually feeling more like a pen. Its purpose is to trick the mind of the smoker into thinking that he is smoking tobacco, even though it is just really water vapor being puffed out of it.

Tobacco studies have found that the addiction is not only with the nicotine, but also with the act of smoking. It is a behavioral and psychological addiction, which is essentially why a lot of people who have tried to quit tobacco smoking end up failing. They may be able to quit for a few weeks, months, even years, but eventually, they will pick up the habit again.

As Katherine Heigl explained, e cigs rely on water vapor. This element of the device, however, has jump started a fiery debate. Is it really as safe as it is portrayed to be, or is there anything sinister lurking within?

This very question was the subject of the study conducted by Dr. Konstantinos Farsalinos of the Onassis Cardiac Surgery Center, Athens and his team of researchers. With the participation of 20 young smokers and 22 electric cigarette users, they were able to compare data regarding their heart function.

The study found that those who were in the tobacco smokers group did have significant heart dysfunction. Meanwhile, those who were in the smokeless cigarette group experienced slight elevations in pressure at the most.

Said Dr. Farsalinos, “Considering the extreme hazards associated with cigarette smoking, currently available data suggest that electronic cigarettes are far less harmful and substituting tobacco with electronic cigarettes may be beneficial to health.”

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Therefore, vapor cigarettes obviously have something beneficial to offer those who may be interested in quitting the habit for good. Obviously, smoking tobacco has no health benefits whatsoever. With a product like e cigs out in the market, it should be a good opportunity to finally get started on that clean slate smokers have wanted to get for the longest time.